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2023 ASAS Fellow Award for Teaching Recipients
Sponsored by: American Society of Animal Science

Dr. Kristen A. Johnson, Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences has had a sustained impact on the field of animal science for the past 32 years through her commitment to teaching and advising efforts to enhance student learning. Dr. Johnson teaches lower and upper division undergraduate and graduate classes and is a longtime advisor to student organizations. Graduates offer during exit interviews that experiences they had with Dr. Johnson their first semester at WSU caused them to recognize and value their role in the educational process. Upper division students characterize Dr. Johnson as fair, approachable and demanding of understanding beyond memorization. Dr. Johnson has served WSU as Associate Dean of the Graduate School (2002-2004) and interim Chair of the Department of Animal Science (2017-2020) where she prioritized teaching. Dr. Johnson provides important senior leadership within the department and maintains a successful research program in ruminant nutrition.
Upload ImageDr. Kristen A. Johnson
Washington State University
Dr. Jodi A. Sterle holds the Harman Endowed Professorship in Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University. Known to be tough but fair, Dr. Sterle simply loves to teach! From introductory courses to rigorous discipline-based courses such as reproductive physiology, and from contemporary issues courses to a course on the art and history of livestock, Dr. Sterle has impacted thousands of students in a variety of subjects. Believing that much of a student’s education occurs outside of the classroom, Dr. Sterle advises several student clubs and has led eight international travel courses, including the United Kingdom, South Korea, France/Italy and Portugal. No matter the enrollment, she takes the time to make every student feel connected. To date, Sterle has taught 13,048 students in 120 course offerings throughout her career.

Dr. Jodi A. Sterle

Iowa State University